It’s the start of a new year—and with it comes the annual commitment to self-improvement. Some pledge to hit the gym more regularly while others aim to stick to a budget or practice some more patience.
But there’s a catch: data shows that most people abandon their New Years resolutions by January 19, now dubbed as “Quitter’s Day.”
So, why do so many resolutions fail (and so early into the year)? It’s likely because our adult brains are hard-wired to resist change. When a habit is formed in the brain, good or bad, those neural pathways grow stronger over time, making it more instinctive and challenging to break. The good news? Understanding the science of habit formation gives us insight into how we can start to rewire our brains, a process called neuroplasticity.
Yes, your brain has the ability to rewire itself so you can turn those fleeting goals into lasting habits. Here’s how it all works.
Despite this added stress, most people still see holiday gatherings as a positive experience. In fact, the same survey shows 70% agree that the holiday stress is worth it, and 84% believe it fosters a sense of togetherness. What if the true magic of the holidays isn’t found in a gift bag, but rather in the moments that create fond memories, deepen social connections, and inspire gratitude for being surrounded by loved ones?
This holiday season, let’s shift the focus on being together and what that can offer to our well-being.
The Science of Habits
The popular belief that habits form in just 21 days has been debunked. Research from University College London found that habit formation, in general, takes an average of 66 days, though it can range from 18 to 254 days. What it really comes down to is consistency and context, not some arbitrary timeline.
Habits form when repeated actions become linked to cues in your environment; you aren’t even conscious you’re doing it. This neurological process is driven by the brain’s cue-action-reward system—and it happens all the time. It goes like this:
Cue (Trigger): A signal prompts your brain to start a behavior. For instance, spotting your running shoes by the door might remind you to go for a jog.
Action (Routine): The cue leads to a behavior—like heading out for a run after work.
Reward (Positive Outcome): Completing the action provides a sense of satisfaction, reinforcing the behavior. This could be the post-run endorphin rush or the pride in ticking off a goal.

With time and consistency, behaviors tied to these cues become automatic, requiring less mental effort—even when initial motivation starts to wane.
The key here is that habits are formed through small, consistent actions that become second nature over time, according to research on habit formation.
Rewire your Brain with Neuroplasticity
Habits that stick start in the brain. Neuroplasticity —the brain's ability to change and adapt throughout your life—is key. When you start a new habit, neuroplasticity kicks in to form and strengthen those new neural connections, all while weakening the unwanted or unused connections (referred to as synaptic plasticity).
Synaptic plasticity happens through two processes:
Long-Term Potentiation (LTP): Strengthens neural connections by repeating a habit to make it automatic and easier over time.
Long-Term Depression (LTD): Weakens connections that are no longer desirable cued by avoiding them or replacing them with a positive habit (like swapping scrolling for reading before bed).
For example, imagine you're breaking the habit of checking your phone first thing in the morning. If you consistently replace it with writing down three things you're grateful for, the neural pathways associated with gratitude journaling will strengthen, while the ones tied to mindless scrolling will weaken. Over time, the urge to pick up your phone upon waking diminishes, and the new habit feels more natural.
You can also enhance neuroplasticity with certain lifestyle habits. Aerobic exercise and mindfulness meditation have been shown to increase levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), a protein that supports the formation of new neural connections. Naturally derived compounds like Lion’s Mane and 7,8-dihydroxyflavone have also been studied for their potential role in promoting neuroplasticity.
How to Build and Break Habits That Last
Neuroplasticity doesn’t just help you build habits—it’s also the key to breaking bad ones. Here’s how you can apply this science of habit formation to experience lasting change:
Building Good Habits
Start Small: Begin with manageable steps, like a 5-minute walk each day. This reduces the friction of starting.
Be Consistent: Repeating the action in the same context, like always brushing your teeth after dinner, helps cement the habit.
Use Reminders: Clear cues, such as placing a water bottle on your desk, make it easier to remember and act on your intentions.
Breaking Bad Habits
Change Your Environment: Remove triggers that prompt unwanted behaviors. For instance, keeping snacks out of sight can curb mindless eating.
Replace the Habit: Swap the bad behavior with a positive one. If you’re tempted to scroll on your phone before bed, try reading instead.
Pair New Habits with Old Ones: Follow an unwanted behavior with a conscious action. For example, after catching yourself procrastinating, tackle a quick and easy task to regain momentum.
The Big Takeaway?
Habits aren’t built (or broken) overnight, but with the right strategies, change is possible with consistent, small actions that compound over time, leading to big results. By leveraging the science of neuroplasticity and understanding your brain’s cue-action-reward system, you can rewire your behaviors to align with your goals. Whether you’re looking to build better habits or want to break old ones, you have the tools you need.
This year, let’s not just make resolutions—let’s make habits that stick.
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